Make an excellent impression with G-metallum
G-metallum with PRESTOFERM or NOVOFORM helps you make an excellent impression at all times. The silver-coloured, metallised surface intuitively attracts the viewer’s attention and gives your printed item an elegant touch. Take advantage of this plus factor for your next dialogue marketing campaign and benefit from higher response rates. G-metallum Couvert is used frequently for campaigns in the following sectors in particular: telecommunications, pharmaceuticals, automotive, financial products, fashion and jewellery.
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Card and sticker envelopes
Traditionally, envelopes have served as a vector for your message, and not a whole lot more; once opened they were disposed of, along with the money you had invested in supplies. As a leading manufacturer of envelopes we feel it is our duty to offer you additional uses, and thus added value, and we are accordingly proud to present our latest innovation.
Now, instead of spending your money enclosing expensive self-adhesive flyers and cards, you can integrate them directly into your envelope. So you can forget about extra costs for flyers and lettershop! What’s more, sending less weight means additional savings on your shipping budget. Plus it goes without saying that we will be happy to print the envelope of your design just the way you want it. And the new GOESSLER-ENVELOPE is a boon not only for thrifty business people, but for Mother Nature as well, who can certainly do without yet another flyer. We would be delighted to answer any questions you may have at any time.
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Scented finish
Do you have a nose for advertising ? Get your message across, subtly but effectively, with scented envelopes.
Aromas evoke pleasant associations, and with them comes the desire to purchase a given product. Our sensual sales promotion product can work to your benefit. Luxury articles, such as coffee, spices or fruits, are the most popular source of aromas, but perfumes and atmospheric scents, like grass or pine needles, are also possible. The cosmetic, food, tourism and automobile industries are leaders in the targeted use of scented finishes for direct-marketing campaigns. Choose from more than 90 different scents. Individual scent creations available on request.
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Hot foil stamping
Hot foil stamping adds a “sparkling” touch. Let clients really feel your corporate logo or advertising message.
Akin to blind stamping, the process uses a heated die to cause a foil to adhere to the envelope. This special printing technique is suitable for all manner of business correspondence. It can also be used to particular effect to make all or part of a logo “sparkle”. The foils are available in a wide variety of colours in either high gloss or silky lustre and in hologram, as well as gold or silver. An unlimited number of die shapes are possible.
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Blind stamping
After all, it’s the first impression that counts ! Use the power of sensory impressions to communicate your look and feel to the best advantage before your envelope is even opened.
Whenever something representative must be committed to paper, such as a corporate logo or family crest, without being thrust into the foreground, blind stamping is the obvious choice. The motif is machine-milled into an embossing plate in phases. The resulting stereotype can then be used for blind stamping. Its play of light and shade brings life into your stationery. Images, shapes and texts are all made to stand out from the envelope.
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SecuriFerm prevents unauthorized tampering with your envelopes
The SecuriFerm envelope’s specially printed interior guarantees 100% opacity, and thus makes it impossible for outsiders to view its contents. Nevertheless, unauthorized third parties are increasingly able to open and reseal envelopes so skillfully that their rightful recipient does not even notice they have been tampered with.
GOESSLER is proud to present its latest creation, its own in-house solution to the problem. The new GOESSLER security envelope with its SecuriFerm closure features a tamper-proof strip that alerts recipients immediately if an envelope has been opened. No matter how carefully the flap is opened, the word OPENED appears in several languages across the entire length of the seal, as well as in the window in the flap. Together with the envelope’s printed interior and external side flaps, this means triple security for you and your recipient ! GOESSLER security envelopes are ideal for confidential and sensitive documents such as personnel files, medical findings, financial reports, dossiers, contracts, certificates, policies and project documents, among many other things. SecuriFerm’s tamper-proof feature thus enhances the practical applications of our PRESTOFERM closure, which is easy to handle, highly adhesive, hygienic and reliable.
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